
January 15th, 2025
Since 2019 it’s been difficult for us to have a coherent business plan. We’ve both had injuries and serious illnesses that have kept us from operating at full capacity. While I’m finally healed up and feeling the best I have in 5+ years, Debra Ann still has a knee that gives her fits and keeps her hobbled some days. On top of that, we’ve simply gotten older. Time to make changes.
I worked my first trade show 40 years ago next month and with any luck I may work my last one this coming April at the Midwest Horse Expo in Madison Wi. We’ll have to wait and see. I’ve done trade shows from California to Paris, France and Bologna, Italy to Ft. Worth. I’ve made great friends, good customers and a second family, my road family, the people who have had my back through thick and thin, sickness and in health, through laughter and tears. Thank you all.
As we look forward, we will still be in the shop making gear and filling orders. The website will open up again on a limited basis on Wednesday the 15th and we will be having our Wednesday evening FB offerings on a more regular schedule. The first thing you’ll notice about the website is that I’ve stripped it of everything we’re out of (which is just about everything). As I make inventory I’ll add those items back onto the website. If it’s not on the website, then I won’t take an order for it until I have inventory made. Making one or two of an item at a time to fill an order just isn’t good use of my time and as I’ve stated in previous posts, time is what I have least of. We ask that you bear with us, have some patience and we’ll have a full inventory as soon as we can. Special order and custom or commission orders are closed and will not open anytime in the foreseeable future.
Thank you for your business and friendship and we wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025. Dean and Debra Ann.